5 Ways to Quickly Blend Into Your Coworker

Whether you are a new employee or you’ve been at your job for a while now, learning how to quickly blend in with your coworkers can help you feel more at ease in the office and make the transition easier. Here are five tips that can help you do just that.

Introduce Yourself

Getting introduced is an important first step for building professional relationships. It shows that you’re ready to start working, and it helps you build rapport with your new coworkers.

Depending on the company you work for, you may need to introduce yourself to the entire company or a smaller group of colleagues. Larger companies are likely to have a formal environment, while smaller ones can be more casual.

When you introduce yourself to a coworker, make sure you have good body language. This includes maintaining eye contact, using a clear voice, and smiling. It also helps to ask questions to keep the conversation going. This gives you a chance to learn more about your coworker and their background.

You should avoid being arrogant or overly friendly. Oversharing information in an introduction can come off as self-absorbed. In addition, you don’t want to offend your new colleagues with inappropriate jokes or strong personal opinions. If you’re new to the office, you should try to keep the conversation positive, rather than negative.

Offer To Take A Coworker Out For Coffee

Taking a coworker out for coffee is an ideal way to get to know your colleagues on a more personal level. This can help you build relationships within the workplace and improve your performance levels. It can also give you the chance to catch up with people outside of your team.

The trick to making this happen is to be polite. If you ask a coworker out for coffee and he says no, don’t take it personally. He may have scheduling conflicts or personal reasons. However, you can ask again in the future. This will likely evoke a better response.

Another good way to go about it is to create a social event. Choose an appropriate time and place to plan a night out and invite your coworkers. This is a good way to get to know them without the pressure of planning a late night out.

You might also want to take a look at the recent pictures your coworker has posted on his or her Facebook page. This will allow you to see if there are any signs of a relationship.

Blending Into Your Coworker


Put Photos Or Knick-Knacks On Your Desk

Putting a photo or two on your desk will get the ol’ brain cells working in no time. While you’re at it, you may want to consider getting a neck cushion for the heck of it. Considering the number of hours you spend hunched over a keyboard, you’ll be thankful for a little relief from the rigors of gravity. Plus, you’ll look a little classier as well. And hey, who knows, your boss might want to see you looking your best. It’s the thought of a coworker that matters. Fortunately, there are plenty of options to choose from, and the right one will likely fit the bill.

The aforementioned polka-dot desk mat is a great way to brighten up a sagging countertop while keeping your hands from slipping while you type. And, as a bonus, the mat has a built-in wrist rest to keep your typing skills up to snuff. You might also want to check out the novelty name plates.

Invite Them Out For Lunch

Taking a coworker out for lunch can help build camaraderie at work. This way, you can get to know each other outside of your team. It’s also a good opportunity to establish friendly rapport, which can lead to more assignments and the chance to become part of the corporate family. Whether you have a lot of social skills or not, you can still benefit from this gesture. It’s a quick and easy way to start getting to know someone. You might even be invited to take them out again!

If you’re a new employee, you should establish a welcoming attitude from the start. Accepting an invitation to lunch on your first day of work is a great way to start building a relationship with your peers. You can start with the people on your immediate team, or you can find out who’s already a member of your company’s social committee.

About Clyde Wilson